Friday, May 15, 2009

Chicago Music.

Those are the 2 tats I got. on the backs on my arm. They aren't so big, so hopefully I get away with them. Otherwise.....f*ck. Haha.

Found a girl, for my mans Spencer. White chick with no boobs, and dreads. She's a biker girl. Mmhmm. Sexy stuff, huh spency? Haha!!!! We'll make a song just for you, called "Biker Girl" or something of that sort.

That's old but its from the Deltron concert. That's not Del, but Booku-One, and dude is fire. Tried to get a picture with him, but he dipped out, real quick, and I had a contact high, so I was in no condition to chase him.....I did get a phone number though....haha.

Same night. Jack the ripper spray paint. Cold as heck. I might use this as a backround or default picture, but I had to put this up here somehow. Its pretty cool. And pretty original.

And this is that same night after the concert, and buzzed alittle. That's what nicky-p (our drawer) and I get for being near a contact high. Ooh-wee. Head hurt after this one.

So really, this blog was mostly just me blabbing away. Here is the music part: besides the lyrics I made I listened to a bunch of chi-town artists. Lupe, the cool kids, Common, even the Gay Fish, Kanye. Also Twista, the monster, and others. Not really anyone new. Kept it mostly chi-town/mid-west.

So, "call me the machine, because I'm out like trout, but not on the courts, Cash Out, No Pouts."
But really, I'm gone. Gotta leave (again for Chicago) thanks Drew O, and Ik, for letting me crash, and write random words. Thanks to Marty and Deanna for putting up with me for those couple of days. Deanna is a hottie, real talk. And thanks to Justine and Mariel for being cool. Esp Justine. I owe you an apology. Your my new friend.
Thanks to Kat, my sister, for showing me a good time. That's really it, so until next time, Ciao.

HOB UP!!!!

So I, dirty rose aka DMG, took a trip to Chicago that was only supposed to be till Thursday. I missed 2 trains (1 was my fault, completely....the other I didn't really miss) and stayed another night. I also wore a pair of jeans, which is eventful. This blog really has little to do with music. So....reader beware: I found out alotta things about myself, in terms of how I deal with people. I also made some new bangin lyrics, approved by R1s (Rob1s) I could forward them hear, but I'm affraid to leak.....I'm not eminem, don't need to, haha.....wack ass.

I lost the girl I <3. On some stupid stuff, don't let stupid stuff get between you and someone you <3. Real talk.....we need a slow love song rob, bwahaha.

I also got tatted up....again. Rob and I are about to be a real rap duo. Rob is getting tatted up!

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