Friday, April 17, 2009

We are all N*E*R*D*s

Just went to the NERD concert, tonight. It was pretty cool. People feel and fell on me. Yes feel and fell. Crowd surfing everywhere. Music was playing too. It was crazy. Pharrell was real cool for a celeb. He h*-ed, the lady who threw water on the stage. But this is a music page, so I'll focus on that. :-O

I heard "Run to the Sun" which is a beat we would probably use on the 2nd mixtape. The first one is a concept based on pastries, like Danishes, and sh*t. We are mainly talking about pastries and how much we like them, and other odd ball stuff like that.

Rob and I are a crazy mix, we're trying to be like Gnarls Barkley, and be innovative, but both produce and record.
"its like a lyrical combo, sent from the heavens/ while Rob grasp the Ones, I'll be throwin up the Sevens/"

Honestly, I'm still kinda groggy from the long day, and the loud music made me tired.

Below is probably a picture that will be in our album. Maybe with us air brushed into the backround.....or we might just ask to take a pic in front of the sign.....or we might just buy the sign....idk! :-O.

But I'm outtie, I'm sure Rob1ns has more to say then I do.

HOB UP!!!!!

P.s: tooth pains hurt.


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